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Wandsworth Twins Club

Talk: Menopause 101 by Dr. Vivian Lord

Tue, 17 Apr 2018
19:30 - 21:30

An empowering event for all women over 35.

If you’re feeling anxious about going through the menopause, wondering what it's all about, or are experiencing symptoms right now this event is for you!

Over 75- minutes Dr. Vivian Lord, ND will teach you what you really need to know about the biggest hormonal transition you'll go through since your teens.  

During this enlightening workshop you’ll learn: 

  • What is the menopause and what are the initial symptoms – hint: it’s not what you think! 
  • The surprising link between stress and menopausal symptoms and strategies to address it for busy twin mums.
  • What you can do in your 30’s and 40’s to reduce, and even avoid, symptoms in advance.
  •  How to clear up the confusion about HRT, bioidentical hormones and herbal medicine and know what’s right for you.
  • THE best exercise for healthy bones, weight loss and to boost your energy without burning you out.
  • Specific nutritional strategies to maximize sleep, weight loss, energy and hormonal balance. 

Vivian will let you in on the most current research on natural approaches on this topic, and share powerful and doable strategies for busy twin mums. 

Dr. Vivian Lord, ND is a twin mum (former WTC committee member) and naturopathic physician specializing in natural approaches to women’s health and hormones. Food as medicine is the cornerstone of her practice alongside functional lab testing, nutrient therapy, herbal medicine and ongoing coaching and support to inspire changes that stick.

Venue: Cafe Fleur, 198 St Ann's Hill, London SW18 2RT

Time: 19.30 doors open, with a 19.45 start

Cost: £3 per ticket.  You will need to sign in to TidyClub to purchase a ticket as this is a members only event.

Viv's website: http://drvivianlord.com/

Ticket Type Price
Talk - Menopause 101 £3.00 Sold out
Café Fleur
198 St Ann's Hill, London SW18 2RT, UK