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Wandsworth Twins Club

Sleep Workshop – 0-12 months

Thu, 11 Oct 2018
19:30 - 21:30

The twins sleep workshop is run by Natalie Preston at Sleep Rocks. She’s a certified Child Sleep Consultant and a fellow twin mum. Natalie is passionate about helping parents improve their little people’s sleep for the health and benefit of the whole family unit. She understands the complexities of twin sleep, as well as having a singleton to throw into the mix. 


Natalie's workshop, focusing on twins aged 0-12 months, will cover:

  • The science of sleep
  • How sleep evolves as baby grows and what to expect by age
  • Age appropriate routines and schedules, including nap schedules
  • Setting foundations for healthy sleep habits
  • Reducing and dropping night feeds
  • Common causes of sleep problems and what to do about them

The workshop runs for around 1.5 hours and there will be opportunity to ask questions. It is tailored to parents of twins aged 0-12 months, as well as expectant parents keen to establish good habits from the outset.


Tickets are £7.50 each and are strictly on a first come first served basis. Concessions are available - please get in contact to discuss.


Food and drinks are available for purchase at the venue.

Ticket Type Price
Sleep Workshop Ticket £7.50 Sale Ended
Gorringe Park
29 London Rd, London SW17 9JR, UK