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Wandsworth Twins Club

Twins Sleep Workshop - 1 year-olds up to school age

Thu, 14 May 2020
19:30 - 21:30

We are pleased to announce that we are planning on running our second virtual talk on 14th May 2020 at 7.30pm. However to run this talk we need a certain number of people to make it cost effective we are aiming for £12 per person. If you are interested please purchase a free ticket and if we get the required amount we will then request the payment from you!

The twins sleep workshop is run by Natalie Preston at Sleep Rocks. She’s a certified Child Sleep Consultant and a fellow twin parent. Natalie is passionate about helping parents improve their little people’s sleep for the health and benefit of the whole family unit. She understands the complexities of twin sleep, as well as having a singleton to throw into the mix. 

This workshop, focusing on twins aged 1 year up to starting school, will cover:

  • The science of sleep
  • How sleep evolves by age
  • Age appropriate routines and schedules: how much sleep does my toddler need?
  • Nap transitions: when to expect them, how to recognise them and how to transition
  • Night wakings and how to stop them
  • Sleep training methods
  • Your questions and concerns

The workshop runs for around 1.5 hours and there will be opportunity to ask questions. It is tailored to parents of twins aged from 1 year to starting school.

Tickets are £12 each and are strictly on a first come first served basis. Concessions are available - please get in contact to discuss.


Ticket Type Price
Sleep talk £0.00 Sale Ended