Wandsworth Twins Club
powered by TidyHQTwins Sleep & Routine Workshop

Twins Sleep & Routine Workshop
A friendly and informal workshop giving you the opportunity to learn all the basics of baby sleep for your little ones. The workshop is run by Heidi Skudder (The Parent and Baby Coach), a local Sleep Consultant and will cover the following areas:
-Baby Sleep Cycles
-The Science of Sleep
-How much Sleep your babies should be having
-Routines for Babies ages 0-12 months
-Establishing Day time sleeps
-Setting up good sleep habits
-Dropping Night Feeds
-Problem Sleep Associations
-Sleep Training Methods – Which ones to use and when?
The workshop runs for around 1.5 hours and at the end you will come away with a Sleep Plan of your own to implement plus a week of email support from Heidi to help you along the way. Parents of twins ages 0-12 months are welcome, or expectant parents if you would like to know how to set up good habits from the very word go!
Tickets are £27 each and are strictly on a first come first served basis.
Single ticket | Sale Ended |