Wandsworth Twins Club
powered by TidyHQThe Committee
The Committee
Co-Chairs: Sam and Tiffany
As co-chairs we are responsible for keeping a full committee, liaising with TAMBA, creating or supporting new initiatives for the club and keeping our members abreast of what we are doing. We also coordinate and organise events across the club.
Buddy Co-ordinator: Lauren Eells
I put new members in contact with someone in a similar situation to them who lives nearby (as much as possible). Buddies provide support in the early days and help welcome them into the club.
Facebook Co-ordinator: Lauren Eells and Tiffany Woods
We manage new member requests for the Facebook sites including Sales & Services and Childcare & Nannies.
First Aid Talks Co-ordinator: VACANT
I manage the First Aid talks hosted by the group run once a quarter.
Maternity Liaison: Emma Hopkins
I liaise with hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, health visitors etc. on behalf of the club and also members. I will then use this information to put together a comprehensive guide as to what the policy is regarding multiple births in all the local hospitals.
Membership & New Mums Co-ordinator: Fran Jessop
I am responsible for the annual subscriptions and maintaining the membership lists. I also group expectant mums into "due date" groups and organise a parents-to-be night for each of these groups.
These have been hugely popular as they provide a lovely ongoing support network of mums going through similar experiences together.
Pizza Night Co-ordinators: Fran Jessop
I am responsible for gathering "due date" groups for our pizza nights out. Meet other parents-to-be and even “experienced” mums and dads who are on hand to fire questions at.
Playgroup Co-ordinator: Amy Callaby
I manage the club's playgroup which is run in Tooting United Reform Church every Wednesday during term time.
Premature Birth Box Co-ordinator: Lauren Eells
I look after the Prem Birth Boxes (things needed if members' twins arrive early, which, in most cases, means parents find themselves without items needed!), getting the box to any member who may need it & then collecting it & restocking.
Summer Picnic Co-ordinator: VACANT
I organise summer picnics which are hosted by members of WTC in local or nearby parks/commons during the summer months.
Treasurer: Tiffany Woods
I manage all the club's financial matters.
Website Administrator: Tiffany Woods & Sam Deville
We manage the club's website and ensure that it is being kept up to date.